Eriberto's description:
" America's Most Wanted " was taken in the winter of 1989 in downtown Los Angeles
between Broadway and Spring Street off 6th street in an alley. This type of roundup happened frequently and after thinking about the root causes of these episodes, I arrived that its origins began with slavery. Ever since I was a kid under 5 years old, and I'm now 66, I have witnessed these roundups. I can remember when I lived in Malibu and the drug Coke was passed around like odervers and there were never any roundups. Many reasons are given why my photo takes place but this is embedded in our U.S. culture and will continue for some time to come. There has been advances and we now have President Obama as the prime example of that. But African Americans still are the majority of prisoners in our prisons and penal system. So when I heard Ice Cube's lyric, "America's Most Wanted " I knew immediately this would be the photo's title. This description may not fit right for some folk but life is what it is and that is so
1 comment:
It's such a dope pic homie
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